
The Brand Partnering Approach : Entertainment and fun centers opportunities

[sintesis de un workshop desarrollado con propietarios de centros de entretenimiento]

Current Challenge
Increase consumer brands recruitment as partners of your amusement, entertainment or “Shopteiment” center.
- Achieve large number of partnering operations : not just anecdotical cases
- Develop bigger operations
- Synergy : brand partnering is source of business but also means stamina for centers
also“partnering transaction” efficiency
- Achieve a consistent and extensive year round schedule
- More and better partnering operations

Strategic Insight : requirements of the brands
Consumer brands seek to overcome traditional marketing and communication channels, requiring more intensive interaction with consumers since traditional media is saturated and consumers experience distrust and distance with brands
Brands need more than broadcast or digital marketing, they need also intense and interpersonal relationship with consumers

Strategic Insight : consumer points of view
Consumers want to reach more involving experiences. They feel rewarded when their brands provide experiences beyond traditional benefits. Experiencing brands means to consumer not only use or obtaining physical satisfaction but also enrich their life, through personal interaction with brands

Business ambitions
Make your centers a truly and unique platform for innovative consumer experience marketing, allowing brands to conveniently and efficiently develop initiatives of “brand experience” as no other “place” can do.

Sell centers asexperience platforms for new interaction and exchange with consumers”

Place = brand experience opportunity

Critical Assets

Huge contacting potential : traffic, people
Playful and entertaining context : reach consumers eager to experimenting new sensations and ideas
Facilities convenience, quality, safetyGeographic reach : operations in leading metropolitan areas
... but we should Change our vision and focus : Centers should be presented as potential communications and experience branding touch points

this new focus requires changes in our approaches and essentially leverage new areas of know-how
1. Better Understanding brand scope of center visitors
2. mproving definition of visitors demographic and psychographic
3. Set admired and desired brands : the ones consumers want to interact
4. Identify brands focused on increase involvement with our visitor profile
5. Outstanding Evaluation traffic potential. procdures and brand and consumption preferences
6. Developing a brand targeting and prospecting focus

Outline of partnering prospecting process
Two ways
Open their eyes
Directly through an involving and challenging presentation about the opportunities of experience marketing through Entertainment center facilities , offering speculative ideas and insightful knowledge about Heron City visitors
Indirectly , through partnering and business collaboration with “experience marketing” and event services providers, increasing awareness of your center as framework of events a brand experiences

Approach summary
Brands require connecting with consumers in personal and involving way : brands want to become experiences
Entertainment center facilities can become an opportunity to develop experience marketing initiatives
Showing Centers opportunities and collaborative attitude in front this needs could improve performance in brand partnering

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